
RSL Inc. – Fernwood, NJ

Learn how Castle Energy can save you long-term money, and how you can earn $500 in referrals to new customers!

Project Overview

RSL Inc. – Fernwood, NJ

153,000 Watts-DC System

Who They Are

With over 50 years of experience, RSL Inc. is a family-owned business supplying decorative door-glass products. Interested in reducing their annual cost of electricity at their manufacturing site in Fernwood, RSL Inc. met with Castle Energy. The large office complex consisted of three primary buildings with both pitched and flat roofs.

How We Helped

Castle Energy developed a multi-construction strategy that included ballasted, pitched roof, and ground-mount solar systems to significantly offset the property’s need to draw electricity from the local utility service provider. Through its investment group, Castle Energy created a long-term Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). Project installation partner: REC Solar.